Down to Earth – The Changing Funeral Needs of a Changing Society
Down to Earth – The Changing Funeral Needs of a Changing Society
by Marian Barnes

Marian was a long-time campaigner for the right of non-religious people to have secular funerals.

This book was first published in 1991, and demand was so high when it went out-of-print,  that she made it available for copying and distribution by The Celebrant School. This extremely thorough resource is a funeral classic, covers everything from the historic antecedents of the contemporary funeral, through funerals vs memorials, lowering vs not lowering the casket, considerations around death notices in newspapers, a sample funeral, readings and much more.

A highly recommended resource, this is copied and spiral bound.

$32.00 incl. GST Add to cart
Honouring Our  Loved Ones
Honouring Our Loved Ones
by Brian Malcouronne

This edition, published in 2014, contains notes and resources for funeral celebrants, families and friends. Brian was a local author and spiritual director, so writes from the New Zealand perspective.

The book is available exclusively through The Celebrant School by kind permission of Liz Malcouronne.

NB: Stocks are very low.

$39.00 incl. GST Read more