Ceremony and Celebration – start the year and your celebrant training here!
Ceremony and Celebration – start the year and your celebrant training here!
15/16 & 22/23rd February 2025 (online across 2 weekends)

Are you wondering what a celebrant does, what makes a good ceremony, or how to become a celebrant? This course gives a realistic preview of the role, explores a range of ceremonies, and starts to build essential skills. It is recommended as the first course towards the Certificate in Celebrant Studies (although other entry points are possible). You will gain a firm understanding of the nature of ceremony and ritual and the role of the celebrant in Aotearoa-New Zealand, build essential writing and delivery skills, and receive a framework for the planning and design of a broad range of contemporary ceremonies.
Weekend 15 and 16 February  9.00am – 4:00pm  each day and
Weekend 22 and 23 February   9:00am – 1.00pm each day ie the course runs across two weekends

Note: We are delivering this programme fully by Zoom, but be assured that we have mastered how to keep you so engaged that time will fly on Zoom.  Feedback from past participants shows that you build both skills and a professional network and have fun in the process!

Early enrolment gives you a discounted  course fee – closes 11 January). To enable smooth processing of enrolments and adequate time for pre-course student preparation, we prefer enrolments at least 2 weeks before course commencement.

$799.00 incl. GST Add to cart